Dream Formula Education

Maximize the posibilities of the future through holistic growth.

"DFE" stands for Dream Formula Education, symbolizing the DFE Center's commitment to customizing the ideal educational formula for each child's growth, enabling them to become their best selves in academics, career, and family life, and to achieve an ideal life.

At the DFE Center, parents and children have the opportunity to access the following professional services provided by world-class education experts:

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「 1 」Parenting Consultation

Due to the excessive commercialization of books and self-media, the market is flooded with an increasing amount of unscientific, unnecessary, and fragmented parenting information. This makes it difficult for parents to discern the truth and value of parenting information, easily missing the golden developmental stages of children at different ages, and also prone to focusing only on the child's immediate development, neglecting long-term growth.

To assist parents in accessing the most authoritative and cutting-edge parenting information globally, the DFE Center has launched the "Child Growth Consultation" service. Our world-class team of educational experts will provide answers and guidance on child growth and education from a professional educational perspective, avoiding detours for children and eliminating the trial-and-error costs for parents, helping parents invest their time, energy, and money in the most critical educational projects for their children.


「2」Assessment of Child Development

The factors influencing child development are numerous and interactive. Based on the "DFE Comprehensive Child Development System," the DFE Center focuses on the decisive factors for children's future growth, providing families with a "Comprehensive Assessment of Child Development" segmented by age.

This series of assessments covers various growth points in children's in-school learning, out-of-school learning, and daily life, aiding parents in scientifically understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their children's development. With a focus on long-term development goals for the child, it provides parents with targeted professional educational advice for parenting decisions, guiding the successful future development of the child.

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「3」Comprehensive Growth & Development Planning

Just as a seed requires the right environment and nutrients at different stages of growth to become a towering tree, similarly, the educational resources and growth environments provided by parents at various stages of a child's life play a decisive role in the child's future.

Taking into account the uniqueness of each child and family, the DFE Center customizes a "Comprehensive Growth Planning" service for children. This service is aimed at the long-term development of the child and the family, and through growth planning and parenting guidance in three key areas—school learning, out-of-school learning, and daily life—it maximizes the child's potential to achieve excellence in academics, success in career, and maintain physical and mental health.